Heimlich controversy

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關於「Heimlich controversy」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

How Dr. Heimlich got his maneuver 40 years ago | PBS NewsHour2014年6月16日 · Up until that time, the usual response upon discovering a choking person was ... and public health, his career has not been without controversy. | Persistent air leak - review - ScienceDirectThe Heimlich valve is a one way flutter valve that is connected to the chest tube and ... of performing an ABP for the management of PAL remains controversial and up for debate. ... R.J. Cerfolio, R.P. Tummala, W.L. Holman, G.L. Zorn, J.K. Kirklin, D.C. McGiffin, D.C. Naftel, A.D. Pacifico ... J.M. Hance, J.T. Martin, T.W. Mullett.Part 5: Adult Basic Life Support | Circulation - AHA Journals2010年11月2日 · Atherton GL, Johnson JC . Ability of paramedics to ... The choking controversy: critique of evidence on the Heimlich maneuver. Crit Care Med.The MMR vaccine and autism: Sensation, refutation, retraction, and ...In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and 12 of his colleagues[1] published a case series in the Lancet, which suggested that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) ... Heimlich tw[PDF] European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021 ... - ERC Guidelinesfirst aid of a choking child. The immediate use ... previous GL suggested 'If the paddles are too large and there is a danger of ... Abraham MB, Jones TW, Naranjo D, et al. ISPAD ... The choking controversy: critique of evidence on the. Heimlich ...Standards and Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR ...Redding JS: The choking controversy: Critique of evidence on the Heimlich ... Criley JM, Blaufuss AH, Kissel GL: Cough-induced cardiac compression: ... tw | tw[PDF] Eric J. Lavonas, Farida M. Jeejeebhoy and ... - McGill University2010年11月2日 · controversial, but in practice most experience involves ad- ministration of ... suction (eg, abdominal thrusts or the Heimlich maneuver) are.[PDF] Conference Proceedings - CTE-STEM 2021 - NIE2021年6月2日 · Hong Kong. 14. Sweden. 5. India. 4. Taiwan. 9. Italy. 4. United States. 18. Japan. 3. Total. 116 ... ended controversial problems and dilemmas with multiple variables and factors ... Börner, K., Maltese, A., Balliet, R. N., & Heimlich, J. (2015) . ... Borden, L. M., Schlomer, G. L., & Wiggs, C. B. (2011). The evolving ...Primary spontaneous pneumothorax in children and adolescents: a ...2019年4月4日 · A large study on teenagers with PSP from Taiwan indicated that the growth in ... of PSP is controversial and generally this method is not considered a first-line diagnostic tool. ... Small-bore chest drains are attached to one-way devices ( Heimlich ... [Crossref] [PubMed]; Karpman C, Aughenbaugh GL, Ryu JH.Cumulated Index Medicus... cells using a reverse Redding JS : The choking controversy : critique of evidence Winter ... Eur J Immunol 1979 Jun ; on the Heimlich maneuver . ... ( 11 ) : 1561-5 Redding TW see Meyers CA blastomycosis : a report of thirteen cases . ... 1239-44 Reddington JJ see Stewart GL Rechtschaffen A see Eastman CI Reda G see ...
